Posts tagged ‘spinach’

June 23, 2017

Haberdashery, Crouch End

With my maternity leave I’m making the most of midweek brunching and generally hanging out in cafes drinking tea and eating cake.

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January 11, 2011

Spinach and Ricotta Lasagne

I didn’t have a recipe for this- all the ones on the
internet had ingredients that I didn’t have in my cupboard, so I
thought I would just make it up. I made a basic cheese sauce using
milk, flour, butter and cheddar cheese. In a separate pan I lightly
fried an onion in some butter, then added the spinach. Once wilted
I added the ricotta. I layered the lasagne sheets, sauce and
spinach, and then sprinkled the top with cheese. Put it in the
oven, watched Eastenders, and then came to see what had become of
it. I don’t think I’d made the sauce quite thick enough, but other
than that it tasted pretty yummy. Spinach & Ricotta Lasagne