Posts tagged ‘courgette’

February 21, 2012

Sweet Potato Tart

Sweet Potato Tart

This is a similar recipe to a previous post- the Goats cheese and tomato tart. However this one is using sweet potato instead of regular potatoes. I’ve had a little bit of a thing lately for sweet potato- literally eating it all the time. Its great though as it counts as one of your 5 a day as well as being a carb.
So this recipe can be adapted to have any topping you like- for me that’s whatever is in my fridge and needs eating up. The tomato is a must though- provides a bit of moisture, and the cheese is to me essential just because I can’t live without cheese.

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November 8, 2011

Courgette and Mushroom Quiche

Courgette and Mushroom Quiche

My first attempt at a quiche- I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to try it. I was inspired after having been watching episodes of the British Bake Off and wanted to force myself to try recipes that I’ve never tried.
So I went in search of a good recipe and adapted it to my own tastes. And I have to say it turned out pretty well. Mary Berry would have been pleased as I didn’t have a soggy bottom!

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November 6, 2011

Courgette Skewers

Baked Courgette

Courgettes are one of my favourite vegetables, but I don’t really do much with them apart from stir fry and just chucking them in with other ingredients. I was looking through one of my recipe books for inspiration and came across this one. It’s nice and easy but tastes good and looks pretty good too!

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September 26, 2011

Courgette, Cheese and Tomato Muffins

Savoury Muffin

When you think of muffins what do you think? Do you imagine Double chocolate muffins? Or a breakfast muffin with scrambled egg? I doubt your first thought would be a cheese, courgette and tomato muffin. At least I know mine isn’t!

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January 31, 2011

Courgette and Bacon Spaghetti

Ready in 20 minutes

1 Courgette
3 Smoked Bacon Rashers
100g Philadelphia Cheese
2 Cloves of Garlic
Salt and Pepper to season
Olive Oil


1. Boil the spaghetti in a pan. In a wok or large saucepan gently fry the courgette and garlic.
2. Once the courgette is browning add the bacon. It’s important to use smoked bacon as this is what gives it a lovely flavour.
3. I normally use Soured cream for this recipe but I had forgotten to buy it, so used Philadelphia instead which also tasted really nice. Beat the cheese until soft, and add to the courgette and bacon once cooked.
4. Drain spaghetti. Once the cream cheese (or soured cream) has mixed and heated up add the cooked spaghetti and mix.
5. Serve and season to taste.


This dish is one of my favourite meals as its so quick and easy to do- but tastes amazing. The garlic and smoked bacon are such strong flavours that you don’t need to add anything else to it.