Posts tagged ‘healthy’

April 28, 2020

Veggie lentil nuggets

People who know me know that I’m not a fan of lentils, beans or pulses. Which can make finding new recipes tricky, but I’m always willing to try something new. I was looking for recipes for my son to get him eating something different to plain pasta and ham, when I came across this recipe on My fussy eater’s website.

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May 3, 2011



One spring afternoon on a wander around town with my camera I ended up near St Paul’s and looking for a lunch spot. I walked past POD, and had never seen or heard of this place before so had a quick glance in the window. There were several things about this place that caught my eye and made me want to go inside- the fact that it was healthy food, but also the fact that they were really big on composting their packaging and recycling as this is something that I’m really keen on.


I walked inside and they had a chilled cabinet with sandwiches and other cold lunches, and then also a hot section where they do seasonal stews and varying types of curry. They also have two sizes of their hot meals- great for those who want a light snack, or for those who want it as their main meal. I opted for a small Thai green curry. It was really nice- with a surprise of brown rice at the bottom that worked really well.



They have plenty of seating if you wish to eat in- which I did, and then have separate bins for their composting and recycling. I like this on a number of levels- not only is it saving the environment one tiny step at a time, it is hopefully making the customer a bit more aware of what can and cant be thrown away. Personally I think we should all try on compost more, as although recycling is great- it’s still expensive and you need energy to fund this whole process.



Even their furniture is ethically sourced from recycled materials.
“We build every pod from sustainable or recycled materials. We use recycled glass, sustainably forested oak timber, recycled flooring materials and furniture, organic paint and lots more.”


Their Website has a very detailed section on what actually goes into their food, and the nutritional value of each dish.
Pod on Urbanspoon